path: root/src/
diff options
authorstale <>2022-07-01 15:15:05 -0300
committerstale <>2022-07-01 15:15:05 -0300
commitc68dc16bef476203a4424c4b857f16eeb8f0e119 (patch)
tree2f3fe4580f5b6d0f798aad6a9d680f44556e7f55 /src/
initial commit, but with scarequotes
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e362dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+use std::{
+ convert::TryInto,
+ num::NonZeroUsize,
+use rand::{ thread_rng, Rng, distributions::Uniform };
+use serde::Serialize;
+const HIDDEN_BIT: u8 = 1 << 7;
+pub const FLAGGED_BIT: u8 = 1 << 6;
+const CORRECT_BIT: u8 = 1 << 5; // grading for a rightly flagged mine
+// all the bits that aren't flags
+const NEIGH_OFFS: &[(isize,isize)] = &[
+ (-1,-1),(0,-1),(1,-1),
+ (-1, 0), (1, 0),
+ (-1, 1),(0, 1),(1, 1),
+pub enum Phase {
+ SafeFirstMove,
+ FirstMoveFail,
+ Run,
+ Die,
+ Win,
+// Leave,
+pub struct Game {
+ pub phase: Phase,
+ pub board: Board,
+ pub board_conf: BoardConf,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize)]
+pub struct BoardConf {
+ pub w: NonZeroUsize,
+ pub h: NonZeroUsize,
+ /// mines/tiles, expressed as (numerator, denominator)
+ pub mine_ratio: (usize,NonZeroUsize),
+ pub always_safe_first_move: bool,
+impl std::fmt::Display for BoardConf {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "{}x{} {}/{}", self.w, self.h, self.mine_ratio.0, self.mine_ratio.1)
+ }
+pub struct Board {
+ pub data: Vec<u8>,
+ pub width: NonZeroUsize,
+ pub height: NonZeroUsize,
+ pub hidden_tiles: usize,
+ pub mine_count: usize,
+pub enum MoveType {
+ Reveal,
+ ToggleFlag,
+pub struct Move {
+ pub t: MoveType,
+ pub pos: (usize,usize),
+pub struct MoveResult(pub Board, pub bool);
+impl Game {
+ pub fn new(conf: BoardConf) -> Self {
+ let board = Board::new(conf);
+ Game {
+ phase: if conf.always_safe_first_move { Phase::SafeFirstMove } else { Phase::Run },
+ board,
+ board_conf: conf
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn act(mut self, m: Move) -> Self {
+ let lost_phase = | phase | {
+ match phase {
+ Phase::SafeFirstMove => Phase::FirstMoveFail,
+ Phase::Run => Phase::Die,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ };
+ match m.t {
+ MoveType::Reveal => {
+ let kaboom: bool;
+ self.board = {
+ let mr = self.board.reveal(m.pos);
+ kaboom = mr.1;
+ mr.0
+ };
+ if kaboom { self.phase = lost_phase(self.phase) }
+ if self.phase == Phase::SafeFirstMove { self.phase = Phase::Run }
+ },
+ MoveType::ToggleFlag => self.board = self.board.flag(m.pos).0,
+ };
+ if self.phase == Phase::FirstMoveFail {
+ let winnable = self.board.mine_count < (self.board.width.get() * self.board.height.get());
+ if winnable {
+ self.board.move_mine_elsewhere(m.pos);
+ self.phase = Phase::Run;
+ self = self.act(m);
+ } else {
+ self.phase = Phase::Die;
+ }
+ } else if self.phase != Phase::Die && self.board.hidden_tiles == self.board.mine_count {
+ self.phase = Phase::Win;
+ }
+ self
+ }
+impl Board {
+ pub fn new(conf: BoardConf) -> Self {
+ let (w,h) = (conf.w,conf.h);
+ let area = w.get()*h.get();
+ let mine_count = ((conf.mine_ratio.0 * area) / conf.mine_ratio.1.get()).clamp(0, area);
+ let b = Board {
+ data: [HIDDEN_BIT].repeat(area),
+ width: w,
+ height: h,
+ hidden_tiles: area,
+ mine_count,
+ };
+ b.spread_mines(mine_count)
+ }
+ pub fn spread_mines(mut self, mut count: usize) -> Self {
+ let mut rng = thread_rng();
+ let w = self.width.get();
+ let h = self.height.get();
+ while count > 0 {
+ let randpos: (usize, usize) = (rng.sample(Uniform::new(0,w)), rng.sample(Uniform::new(0,h)));
+ let o = self.pos_to_off_unchecked(randpos);
+ if[o] == MINED { continue }
+ else {
+[o] = MINED;
+ count -= 1;
+ let minepos = pos_u2i(randpos).unwrap();
+ self.map_neighs(minepos, |neigh| {
+ if neigh != MINED {
+ neigh + 1
+ } else { neigh }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ fn neighs<T>(&self, pos: (T,T)) -> Option<Vec<(usize,usize)>>
+ where T: TryInto<isize>
+ {
+ if let (Ok(ox),Ok(oy)) = (pos.0.try_into(),pos.1.try_into()) {
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(x,y)| (*x + ox, *y + oy)).filter_map(|p| self.bounded(p))
+ .collect())
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ fn map_neighs<T>(&mut self, pos: (T,T), mut f: impl FnMut(u8) -> u8) where T: TryInto<isize> {
+ if let Some(neighs) = self.neighs(pos) {
+ let npos = neighs.iter().filter_map(|pos| self.pos_to_off(*pos)).collect::<Vec<usize>>();
+ npos.iter().for_each(|o| {
+[*o] = f([*o]);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn pos_to_off(&self, pos: (usize,usize)) -> Option<usize>
+ {
+ self.bounded(pos).map(|x| self.pos_to_off_unchecked(x))
+ }
+ pub fn pos_to_off_unchecked(&self, pos: (usize, usize)) -> usize {
+ pos.0 + pos.1 * self.width.get()
+ }
+ pub fn bounded<T>(&self, pos: (T,T)) -> Option<(usize, usize)>
+ where T: TryInto<usize>
+ {
+ if let (Ok(x),Ok(y)) = (
+ pos.0.try_into(),
+ pos.1.try_into(),
+ ) {
+ (x < self.width.get() && y < self.height.get()).then(|| (x,y))
+ } else { None }
+ }
+ pub fn flood_reveal(&mut self, pos: (usize,usize)) {
+ let mut queue = vec![pos];
+ while let Some(pos) = queue.pop() {
+ if let Some(off) = self.pos_to_off(pos) {
+ let c = &mut[off];
+ if *c & HIDDEN_BIT > 0 {
+ self.hidden_tiles -= 1;
+ if *c > 0 { continue; }
+ if let Some(mut adj) = self.neighs(pos) {
+ queue.append(&mut adj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn reveal(mut self, pos: (usize,usize)) -> MoveResult {
+ if let Some(off) = self.pos_to_off(pos) {
+ self.flood_reveal(pos);
+ let c =[off];
+ MoveResult(self, (c & !(FLAGGED_BIT | CORRECT_BIT)) == TILE_NUMBITS)
+ } else {
+ MoveResult(self, false)
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn grade(mut self) -> Board {
+ for i in &mut {
+ *i |= CORRECT_BIT;
+ }
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn flag(mut self, pos: (usize,usize)) -> MoveResult {
+ if let Some(off) = self.pos_to_off(pos) {
+[off] ^= FLAGGED_BIT;
+ }
+ MoveResult(self, false)
+ }
+ pub fn render(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
+ let mut ret = vec![];
+ for y in 0..self.height.get() {
+ for x in 0..self.width.get() {
+ let c = &[self.pos_to_off_unchecked((x,y))];
+ match *c {
+ 0 => ret.push(b' '),
+ _ if *c <= 8 => ret.push(b'0' + c),
+ _ if (*c & CORRECT_BIT) > 0 => ret.push(b'C'),
+ _ if (*c & FLAGGED_BIT) > 0 => ret.push(b'F'),
+ _ if (*c & HIDDEN_BIT) > 0 => ret.push(b'#'),
+ _ if *c == TILE_NUMBITS => ret.push(b'O'),
+ _ => ret.push(b'?'),
+ }
+ }
+ ret.extend_from_slice(b"<br>");
+ }
+ ret
+ }
+ pub fn move_mine_elsewhere(&mut self, pos: (usize, usize)) {
+ let mut surround_count = 0;
+ self.map_neighs(pos, |val| {
+ if (val & !FLAGGED_BIT) == MINED {
+ surround_count += 1;
+ val
+ } else {
+ val - 1
+ }});
+ let off = self.pos_to_off(pos).unwrap();
+ let vacant_pos = {
+ let v =
+ .enumerate()
+ .filter(|(_,val)| (*val & TILE_NUMBITS) != TILE_NUMBITS)
+ .map(|(p,_)| p)
+ .next()
+ .unwrap(); // there must be at least one
+ (v%self.width.get(), v/self.width.get())
+ };
+ let voff = self.pos_to_off_unchecked(vacant_pos);
+ debug_assert!(voff != off, "swapped mine to the same position in a FirstMoveFail/grace'd first move (???)");
+ { // swap 'em (keep these together, pls kthnx (bugs were had))
+[voff] |= MINED;
+[off] = surround_count;
+ }
+ self.map_neighs(vacant_pos, |val| {
+ if (val & !FLAGGED_BIT) == MINED { val } else { val + 1 }
+ });
+ }
+fn pos_u2i(pos: (usize, usize)) -> Option<(isize, isize)> {
+ if let (Ok(x),Ok(y)) = (pos.0.try_into(), pos.1.try_into())
+ { Some((x,y)) } else { None }